Events Calendar
Baptismal Service and Picnic
Sunday 05 August 2018, 09:30am
Hits : 198
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Household Of Faith Ministries, alongside Powerhouse World Ministries will be having baptismal service with a picnic following afterwards on August 5th 2018 at 9:30am. The service and picnic will be located at Gunpowder Falls State Park, 7200 Graces Quarters Rd. Middle River 21220, Pavilion #1.
**For those that would like to be baptized, please let Pastor Don or Onyce Street know after service leading up to the event or call 443-845-9437. Also, please let Denise Street know if you are bringing any food items prior to event.
**There is also a service fee of $5 per person to enter the park. Children in carseats are free.
**NO 11am SERVICE!
Location Gunpowder Falls State Park. 7200 Graces Quarters Rd. Middle River 21220
Pavilion #1